Natchez to Breaux Bridge

Not a great deal to tell you about today and not many pictures as we mostly took videos.
After a lovely breakfast at the Concord Quarters B&B we loaded the car up and headed out on the road to Breaux Bridge.

Our first, and only stop was the Rosedown Historic house and Plantation in St Francisville. Originally built in 1835 by one of the richest families in America at the time, the Turnbull’s it’s a fascinating look at an old Louisiana house and the history of slavery and cotton farming. I’ve taken loads of videos of the house and grounds which i plan to edit when i get back so i’ll do a proper blog post on our visit when i get back.
In the mean time, have a few more photos.

After a good few hours spent at Rosewood we continued on our journey to Breaux Bridge and the Teche Bayou. The journey was an uneventful one along pretty freeways and through a few smaller town and we soon found ourselves arriving at out home for the next couple of nights, The Bayou Cabins.

We stayed in the Bayou Museum Cabin which was built in 1848 using Cypress wood from the nearby swamps and mud and moss from the nearby Bayou Teche (river). Our first thoughts on arriving were, well let’s say, mixed. Lot of bugs, the cabin, with its walls of mud and moss felt dark and dingy and it was, it has to be said, a little creepy. On settling in, cracking open a beer and chilling out it was actually fine and a lovely place to experience the Bayou and explore the area from

Dinner this evening consisted of salad, pastries and beers on the veranda and an evening of chilling out and watching rubbish American TV 😀

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